Making You Feel Right at Home in Front of the Camera – Book Your Family Photography Session Now
As a lifestyle photographer, I remain endlessly fascinated by families – how each one is defined, what makes them tick. What I love most about family photography is how the concept of a family can be so diverse, and how this can shift and reshape over time. Take, for example, the other lifestyle photography sessions that I offer in addition to family photoshoots:
Aren’t all of these essentially rooted in family photography? Some families change and grow whilst others stay static. Some families reflect the traditional idea of the ‘nuclear family’ but there are so many other types of households that are just as vital, just as relevant, including single-parent families, child-free families, blended and adoptive families. There’s no ‘right way’ to be a family. Whichever category your family falls into, I can capture the unique bond that makes you who you are.
Family makes a house a home
There’s nowhere as familiar to us as our home which is why this is the perfect location for a family photoshoot. The whole ethos behind lifestyle photography is that the images are natural and authentic so I won’t give out directions or instructions, I’ll just click away in the background. Being at home generally makes people feel more relaxed and they interact with each other and their surroundings in a real, unaffected way. Staged photoshoots in purpose-made studios with accompanying props have their place but my heart isn’t in this this type of photography. The images you receive will mirror you and your family’s individuality rather than be a generic preconception. A family is not a homogenous being, it’s made up of separate, distinctive people with their own looks, tastes and ideas. My purpose is to capture these idiosyncrasies on camera and highlight any quirks and personality traits. My family photography sessions are all about free expression so just be yourself!
To take your mind off the fact you’re being photographed, it’s a good idea to have a think about some activities you and your family like to do together. Perhaps cooking or baking is something you enjoy doing together? The children might like to play with their favourite toys or jump up and down on the bed? Book lovers could read to one another whilst curled up on the sofa. You don’t have to plan an extravagant event, just carry on with your routine tasks and interests. Being indoors takes away the risk of adverse weather – as we all know, Mother Nature can be rather unpredictable at times! But if the weather is on its best behaviour and you have an outdoor space at your home, there’s no reason why we can’t take some snaps in the garden too.

I find it such a privilege to take a peek into the inner circle of all the families I’m lucky enough to photograph and if you’d like to have a family photoshoot in your home, please do get in touch.